What Is OCR or Optical Character Recognition

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Discover the background and the full potential of Optical Character Recognition technologies


OCR Is An Incredibly Useful Tool


It is easy to see why this tool is so valuable for companies managing large databases. In particular, this is indispensable for those companies who need to convert year’s worth of paper documents. Through OCR, handwritten documents and files can become useful digital data.

OCR technology is at the core of a growing trend when it comes to workflow modernization.

Today, these state-of-the-art tools are becoming more accessible and affordable. It is encouraging for businesses to invest in new databases, which they can put to good use!

It is possible to scan a picture into a digital file for archival purposes. However, storing information and being able to access that information are two different things. OCR allows businesses to actively use the data rather than just stashing it away in the guts of a messy digital archive.

With Optical Character Recognition technology, you are able to make the most out of the information at your disposal. Being able to access data seamlessly is essential, especially in a contemporary working environment.

Is OCR A New Technology?

OCR might sound like a relatively new technology; however, its roots date back to over a century ago. In fact, the concept was first employed in a device known as the Optophone. This device might come off as a steampunk machine out of a Jules Verne novel, but it actually had a practical purpose. This unique device was built to translate letters into sound so that blind people could access the content.

Today, OCR is based on sophisticated digital technology, often employing advanced AI algorithms. Artificial intelligence is at the very core of the development of this particular tool. Modern algorithms are so advanced that they lead to intriguing possibilities and virtually endless applications.

How can OCR Be Useful?

Since AI opens the door to so many possibilities, OCR can be used for a myriad of purposes.

It is not just about storing data and cataloging digital databases; OCR technology can be used to decipher handwriting, for example.

It can also be used to change document formats and even rearrange the formatting structures of files in some cases. This is particularly useful if you need to align a specific document to a format that is already the norm in your particular database. For instance, if you need to make sure all your documents have a similar structure, OCR can help.


Optical Character Recognition makes scanning and searching for content extremely fast compared to traditional methods. It’s not even a fair race!

In the old days of paper databases, looking for a specific piece of information was always a long process. The task could have been even more time-consuming had the database not been organized properly. By contrast, OCR technology can help users identify specific information in a matter of seconds. Since digital texts are fully searchable, this technology transforms paper documents, images, and even handwritten transcriptions into electronic records that you can seamlessly access with a computer search.

In addition to the obvious working advantages of OCR, it is also worth mentioning that this particular technology provides many benefits in terms of sheer physical space. Many businesses had the opportunity to downsize quite a lot since they no longer need large spaces to manage and store massive amounts of paper documents. On other occasions, they were able to use the areas that were previously meant for storage to handle different tasks, thus increasing the productivity of the business and even allowing the opportunity to branch out.

In conclusion, OCR is a very remarkable technology that holds a lot of potential. In this day and age, such tools are already quite advanced. However, Optical Character Recognition is going to look even better in the future. AI is on the way to becoming one of the most influential trends in the coming years, revolutionizing information as we know it.

Article Summary

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that helps digitize physical documents. It turns images, handwritten content, and printed documents into fully searchable digital files. OCR is a great example of how AI solutions are driving database modernization, as these tools are becoming increasingly affordable and accessible.

Get rid of your legacy OCR technology and upgrade your automation initiatives!