Fintech 365 selected DocDigitizer to participate in Microsoft for Startups

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Fintech 365

DocDigitizer has been selected to participate in Fintech 365. Microsoft for Startups is a global initiative that has helped thousands of technology startups accelerate by leveraging a global network of partners. It is currently active in 140 countries.

‘’It’s such a great opportunity to be here for DocDigitizer since we have already enabled banks, credit companies and insurance entities to structure their data accurately’’ says Jõao Fernades, CEO and Founder of DocDigitizer.

The Fintech 365 program is divided into three phases: the first phase, which enabled startups to propose a collaboration model with financial institutions in light of the proposed challenges; the second phase, which will define the proof of concept objectives, as well as their technical and legal requirements, after selecting the six finalist startups; and finally, the project’s final phase.

The aim of Fintech 365 is to help financial institutions address unique challenges by getting them closer to the startup ecosystem. The 22 Startups were chosen because of their unique approaches and their readiness to apply in the context of the five challenges:

  • How will digital platforms become a part of consumers’ everyday lives, empowering them and their decisions?
  • Customer integration and interaction: how to react to the increasing need to work smarter and have a more customer-centric experience, from pre-sales to retention?
  • B2B Services and Open Banking: How will open banking be used to provide new services to corporate customers?
  • Day of Digital Credit: How to provide genuinely digital credit solutions that adapt to the consumer journey and respond quickly.
  • New revenue streams and business models are emerging as a result of digital services, including insurance, wealth management, and more. How to test new business models and services?

‘’We are challenging technology to become more aligned to business and boost the digital transformation. I have no doubt that this program will make a huge impact in the way we interact with customers for the banking, financial and insurance sector’’ says Gonçalo Caeiro (CAIO and Founder)

The 22 selected Startups will engage directly with financial institutions in this second step to confirm their future collaboration. With the help of Microsoft Startups and the Portugal Fintech 365 team, each financial institution will select a startup to create a proof of concept after these three weeks.